On Legislating Safety Despite Politics
I made this a post intentionally. Just like Fox made this a poll intentionally.
And just like the numbers suggest, these are our collective intentions to build more obvious, necessary, non-invasive safety measures into our system so that people don’t have to worry as much about kids dying in schools, adults dying in clubs or grocery stores, doctors dying in hospitals.
Is it really “insanely liberal” to want to protect human life? I grew up in America believing those were Christian values.
Is it so difficult to install guard rails on our own proclivity for violence and excess? I never actually wanted to own a gun until I lived in Oklahoma…to protect myself from that “cowboy” carrying a snub nose .28 into a gas station just to buy jerky, all the while defiantly staring down anyone darker skinned than him. The term redneck is somewhat ironic in this context.
Is it really so much to ask for a world that is just inches safer than yesterday? Give us those inches and we will show you many feet willing to walk hand in hand towards a future we all envision, lacking derision, manifesting precision of faith and family, one decision to protect ringing outward like a silent, sonic scream, blasting our blinded vision into a beautiful, multi-colored prism that shows us softly and surely into heaven.
Not after we die, but in the time we have as visitors on the marble we forget to clean after we’ve finished playing our games.
We don’t have to wait on the choices we’ve already made in our hearts. And we cannot fear what others self-soaked in misguided hate prefer: that we feast upon their fear too.